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Dani Seide

How to Create a Work Life Balance as a Work at Home Mom

You can have dinner with your family, volunteer for the PTA and still meet deadlines at work.

Most working moms have to balance their careers with family life. But if you're a work-at-home mom, it's even more important to find a balance between your job and your family. Because, after all, you're always at home!

It might be tempting to skip breaks or eat lunch at your desk so you can get more work done. But that's not good for you or for your family. Striking a balance will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle in the long run, and it will also help your kids accept that you're an adult with responsibilities even when you don't leave the house every morning.

Working from home has its perks, but it can also be a little challenging. It can be hard to maintain a work life balance when you are working from home. You may have some of the same challenges as other moms who work outside of the home, such as balancing time with your family and friends with the time that you need to get your work done. However, there are some special considerations for work at home moms.

Determine Your Goals

Before you can create your work life balance, you will need to determine what your goals are. What do you want to accomplish? What do you hope to achieve? Sit down and think about what is important to you in your personal life and in your professional life. Write these things down so that you can refer to them later on.

Create Your Schedule

One of the biggest challenges that work at home moms face is creating a schedule that balances their professional and personal lives. If possible, create a schedule before you start working so that it is easy for people around you to know when you are available and when you are not available. It may help if everyone in your household knows what your schedule is so they know when they need to keep interruptions

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries. Don't answer emails or texts from clients or coworkers after hours unless you're paid to do so. Also, try not to work on weekends unless you really want to. If possible, shut down the computer when you're done working for the day so that it doesn't tempt you into "just checking one thing."

Schedule Everything

Try scheduling your daily or weekly tasks in advance as much as possible. It will help you stay focused and make it easier to say no when something new comes up during the day. This is also where setting priorities helps — if you have a list of things that you "have" to get done, it's easier to say no to everyone else's requests on your time and just focus on your own priorities. Block out time in your schedule for meals, naps, meetings and anything else that needs a time slot.

End by restating your main message. You can sign off with a funny note or an open question.

Learn to Delegate

Find ways to hand off some of your responsibilities — even if it means paying someone else

Are you taking time for yourself? I highly recommend joining my 30 days of Clarity Self Care Challenge. It is totally free and can only benefit you. Click the link below to join!


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